Rock N Roll 135816 Gold Chain Lubricant, 4-Ounce
Brand: Rock N Roll LubricationRock N Roll Gold Chain Lube. This chain lube moved the 21st century closer to the 22nd century. Makes drive-trains look like they just came out of the box. Cleans and lubricates simultaneously.
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5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Your first-hand experiences really help other mountain bikers. Thanks!
Spot on!
1 year ago
The item description is spot on! Been using it for six or seven years. Couldn’t be happier. Put it on wet. Wipe off as much as you can or like. Chain looks and stays clean.
The one and only downside is that it requires somewhat more regular application than some other lubes. But it works.
(I ride road bike and hard tail in the dry, not muddy and only a little wet/rain sometimes.)